Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Experience with Domain Driven Design

Recently, while having a discussion with a group of colleagues that are new to the Domain Driven Design (DDD) approach, some points highlighted by these colleagues truly reflect how I first felt when I tried to understand the approach from the book and applying it. Probably for anyone new to this and like to apply the DDD, the whole approach can be sub divided into a few areas to provide a better segregation of understanding and implementation.

Understanding the concept
I will say that it is not that difficult to understand the concept from reading the book. The first part of the book with the first three chapters well describes the concept. This concept covers mainly the design approach with DDD. Personally, I think the concept is powerful, clean and easy to understand and use to drive most design. With part 1 of the video by Eric Evan on InfoQ a better picture can be provided straight from the horse’s mouth. Having a good understand of the concept is important before moving into the implementation.

Driving the Design
Modeling is the main utility in the DDD. The concept used, clearly defined how to design the model and how everyone within the project use the model as the backbone for discussion to the actual implementation in codes. This clearly reflects back to the concept of DDD. One important factor during the design is not to add other complexity such as infrastructure into the design and the domain model. So far, there wasn't much problem with the adoption of this approach during the design phase and the domain model really provide the team with a solid backbone from the design to the implementation.

Implementation of the Design into Codes
If you have noticed, I have not said much of the concept and driving the design much above, as I believe what is mentioned in the DDD book is more than enough to give you a good start. However do note the following remarks found in chapter 3 of the book:

Developing a single model that captures the problem and provides a practical design is easier said than done. You can't just take any model and turn it into a workable design. The model has to be carefully crafted to make for a practical implementation. Design and implementation techniques have to be employed that allow code to express a model effectively. Knowledge crunchers explore model options and refine them into practical software elements. Development becomes an iterative process of refining the model, the design, and the code as a single activity.
To me, the actual complexity of the whole DDD approach is in the implementation of the design into codes. This is the greatest barrier I had when I first tried to transfer the design into codes. In part two of the DDD book, certain design patterns are mentioned on how the design or model can be implemented into codes, however I find these part can be greatly improve on. Even after reading the Applying Domain Driven Design and Patterns with Examples in C# and .Net by Jimmy Nilsson does not help much. Not trying to say that the book is not good, but just probably not enough to transits from the design into codes.

Phillip Calcado has written an article on Repository Trouble and I believe this is another example of how much certain doubts on the implementation are not clearly explained and probably due to the lack of example. From my understanding, the main responsibility of the repository as mentioned in the book:

Hide all the inner workings from the client, so that client code will be the same whether the data is stored in an object database, stored in a relational database, or simply held in memory. The repository will delegate to the appropriate infrastructure services to get the job done.

In a domain with a user object, this user will probably have a few implementation methods such as create user, inactive user, get user information and many others... Each method will need to persist or retrieve the user object, but each method should not be aware of where this information is persisting thru DAO or LDAP or even file. The repository should take care of this responsibility and in return hiding the persistence and the infrastructure from the domain layer. Without this repository, each method will be required to know where to persist each object.

Other than what is mentioned, the repository also help to enforce certain domain logic such as preventing queries from pulling exact data rather than navigating from aggregate roots.

Will continue to discuss more on the DDD implementation in subsequent post...

Additional videos by Eric Evans
Part 2: Strategic Design
Part 3: Domain-Driven Design and Domain Specific Languages

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Unit Testing of Non Public Class and Method

Testing private, internal and protected class and method has always been a debatable issue in the test driven development world. Recently, while working on a project, I have to test all these non public classes and methods as there are some complex logic in it and their accessibility have to be restricted. In order, to ensure each method is working correctly, unit test have to be conducted on them from another test project.

The whole solution is structure in such a way that the test project is separated from the application project. Will not going into the discussion on how the project for the actual code and test should be structured, but here a poll result on the preference. Since the test project is separated from the application project, the test project will not have any access to the internal access modifier class and method.

Tim Stall has provided a great overview on testing these non public methods and a helper class in Code Project for those that need to test them. While working on the test, I have encountered other problems with scenario like Expected Exception Testing of Private Method and Internal Class with Private Static Method which the helper class utility were unable to take care of. Therefore, after some research and testing, I have made some modification to the code and how the helper class method can be called to take care of the 2 scenarios mentioned above.

Expected Exception Testing of Private Method
The helper class provided by Tim Stall makes testing of private method so much easier, but what happen when the private method will throw exception in some scenario and how can such test be done? Excepted Exception can be used to test for exception thrown by a method, however with the helper class, any exception throw from the actual method will be wrapped with the System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException. This will prevent the actual exception to be captured by the test. In order to capture the actual exception, the catch in the RunMethod found in the helper class have to be replaced with the following code:
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
throw ex.GetBaseException();
When an exception have been rethrow, the InnerException property should contain a reference to the base exception and it will be null if the exception is the original exception thrown. Therefore if the exception captured above is not the base exception, it will re-thrown the base (actual) exception so that it can be captured by the test.

Internal Class with Private Method
To test a private method with a public class, the RunStaticMethod have to be called with the following parameters:
RunStaticMethod(System.Type t, string strMethod, object[] aobjParams)
Since the class itself is internal, the reference of the object cannot be done from the test project (compile error when trying to reference to an internal class). To workaround this issue, some people have suggested to make the application project and test project as friend assemblies, but this follow on with other complication such as StrongNameIdentity and Public Key thingy. With the use of reflection and 2 lines of codes, the System Type of the internal class can be gotten to be input into the RunStaticMethod.

Firstly, get the reference assembly of the internal class using the reference of a public class belong to the same assembly:
System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(PublicClass));
Secondly, get the system type of the internal class to be input into RunStaticMethod with this:
System.Type sysType = assembly.GetType("TechRockGuy.InternalClass");
With these 2 scenarios, I guess other combination of class and method access modifier can be taken care of with the helper class and the modification made here. For those that need to test a private class with private method, how the instantiation of a new object is not mentioned here, but with dependency injection that should be able to help.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Assembly analyzer

Release of Framework Design Studio!

Trying out this new tool to compare a class in two different assemblies, red and green colour are used to differentiate the line of codes on what is added and removed respectively. More significantly, what is inherited was also displayed in grey and this greatly improves the analyzing of the assemblies without hunting down other class to get a picture of what is inherited. Comments can also be added during the review of the assembly and even be exported. This will definitely be helpful when code reviewing is required.

The diff GUI is something difference from the usual text comparison tools (such as beyond compare and win merge) where the two different versions are displayed side by side. Personally, I am still trying to get use to it, as it does not allow me to compare the difference on each line of code but rather it will displayed line in different colour. The tree can also provide some information on whether any difference found in each class. This will speed up on the filtering process since an assembly has many classes and going thru each one will be time consuming.

On the other hand, the
Reflector for .NET has been my favorite assembly analyzing tool so far as it allows me to analyze assemblies and even the resources files in it. Another great feature provided, is the analyzer also show the dependency on other assemblies. With these two great tools available, they will definitely improve the life of many developers. All thanks to everyone involved in getting these two great tools developed. For those that still unaware of these two tools, I do urged you to check them out if you ever need to analyze any assembly for good.